Interview by Miami Firm, Acoustic Architects

Exceptional Home Theater Design
Acoustic Architects: What was the inception of CinemaTech?

Alexandria Murphy: My father started the business with one of our neighbors who was at the time building a high-end estate. The equipment they needed to make the theater room they envisioned was there, but the furnishings were not. That hole in the market led to the birth of CinemaTech.

CinemaTech’s Seating Expertise Featured In Essential Install

CinemaTech’s Seating Expertise Featured In Essential Install

CinemaTech’s Seating Expertise Featured In Essential Install Home theater seating is constantly evolving and becoming more integrated into the rest of the home. Essential Install Magazine interveiwed CinemaTech to learn the trends of home theater seating. Read...
4 Secrets to the Best Home Theater Lighting

4 Secrets to the Best Home Theater Lighting

Did you know that having a pitch-black room while watching a lit screen (i.e. your tv or projector screen) can actually cause strain to your eyes and head? That’s right – sitting in a completely dark home theater with flashing lights (ie motion on the screen)...
Bespoke design process creates a memorable theater experience

Bespoke design process creates a memorable theater experience

When homeowners invest in a home cinema, naturally the first thing that comes to mind is the audio and video equipment for the space. Exploring the latest and greatest features and benefits can be both exhilarating and exhausting. When creating a bespoke home cinema,...