One of the most exciting events in a movie fanatic’s life is kicking back and relaxing with a trio (or more) of related films. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Matrix, The Godfather… Many of the most well-known and beloved movie series’ must be...
One of the best parts of watching a movie at home (especially in a perfectly set up theater room) is the ability to make the experience as relaxing and personalized as possible. If you’re a true movie fanatic, this may be the very best part of your week – enjoying a...
No matter our differences, one thing seems universal, our love of movies. Motion pictures provide us the opportunity to escape our real-world problems and go on amazing adventures regardless of our age, race, religion, or location. Additionally, there’s nothing quite...
Nothing says “movie night” quite like a heaping bowl of popcorn fresh out of the microwave and a side of candy fresh out of the – er – box. Unless, of course, movies are a frequent hobby of yours, in which case the buttery and sugary goodness may start to lose its...
You’ve decided it’s movie night, but a trip to the local theater sounds less than ideal. You don’t even want to leave your home, let alone fight for parking and deal with crowds. Movie night is going to be hosted in your very own home theater. However, there are some...
Enjoying a new release in a state-of-the-art movie theater can be extremely exciting. However, sometimes the hassle of getting ready, driving to the theater, finding a parking spot and dealing with droves of people just isn’t in the cards. Quite frankly, Dorothy said...