You’ve decided it’s movie night, but a trip to the local theater sounds less than ideal. You don’t even want to leave your home, let alone fight for parking and deal with crowds. Movie night is going to be hosted in your very own home theater. However, there are some aspects of the cinema that you’d like to experience without leaving the house. So, we are going to provide five tips that will bring a few of the awesome parts of the theater home without worrying about peeling gum from the bottom of your seat.
Your setup
Before delving into the little tweaks you can make to create an awesome at-home theater experience, let’s consider your setup. If you want to bring the cinema home, a big screen TV and an awesome surround sound system is a must. We can take this further by suggesting a projector and screen. That is if you want an authentic theater feel. Your setup also requires the right equipment. If you’re going old school, make sure you have the proper player to view your movie. And of course, if you’re streaming, have a streaming device or smart TV ready to roll when its movie time.
Inviting friends and family can make your theater experience even better. Unlike going to the theater, you get to choose your movie mates. Consider how many guests you are inviting over before moving on to the next step. Because you obviously want enough snacks and treats.
Candy and snacks
We can’t even pretend to discuss experiencing a theater-like atmosphere at home without candy and snacks. Spare the thought. First, ensure you have plenty of buttery popcorn. Although, for your health-conscious guests, you can consider a less buttery version. You don’t want anyone to feel left out. Next, supply the candy. Greats like Junior Mints, Red Vines, Mike and Ike, Skittles, and Sno-Caps await you. Select your favorites and once again, purchase plenty for everyone.
One of the reasons you are forgoing the trip to the theater is to enjoy the comforts of home. So, ensure you have comfortable seating for everyone and an arrangement that allows your guests to view the movie unobstructed. That means your extremely tall friend shouldn’t sit in front of your 8-year-old niece. It’s all about comfort and fun when you enjoy movie night at home.
The movie
You can’t enjoy the latest releases at home, but that shouldn’t stop you from hosting an amazing at-home theater night. Movie tastes vary, but one part of the experience is universal, choosing the right age-appropriate genre. You can pre-select a few appropriate movies for your guests to choose from and then prepare for a night of thrills and laughs.
Now you’re ready to host an at-home theater experience that all your guests will be talking about. All that is left is to hit play. And no gum to deal with whatsoever.